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5 Tips You Can Follow to Stay Prepared In Case Of A Financial Crisis

In today’s volatile economy, an accidental mishap can easily affect your personal finances and make you vulnerable to negative possibilities. Certain unplanned events such as losing your job, facing a severe accident that leads to permanent disability, a sudden severe illness; can easily shake your financial planning. In this case you can take help from short term personal loan in India. Thus, never take your life for granted and always be prepared for the worst especially in terms of finances.

How to Stay Prepared for unplanned Financial Crisis?

  1. Invest More in Instruments with Higher Liquidity: Since investment is an inevitable part, you can’t completely ignore it especially if you want to secure yourself from unplanned expenses. Thus, a better idea would be to invest in instruments which are liquidable easily.
  2. Track your Finances and save every bit of Money you can: One way to save money is by not spending on unnecessary stuff. Thus, track your monthly expenses and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  3. Stay Debt-Free Always: If you have loans on your name, foreclose them as soon as you can. Also, try and avoid taking loans as long as you can. The aim is to stay debt free. 
  4. Maintain an ‘Emergency’ Saving: Lastly, maintain an extra savings account as a part of emergency savings and try not to use the accumulated corpus as long as it is not a mayday situation.

Additional Read: 5 Amazing Ways to Improve Business Cash Flow

Maintain a High Creditworthiness: Despite taking loans is never a part of solution, using one buys you more time and helps you stabilize your finances apart from providing a large lump sum amount to meet your urgent cash needs. Hence, always maintain a high creditworthiness to avoid rejection for loan when required the most.